Andover Library Residency with Chapel Arts Studios
November 1st and 2nd 2024
A continuum from Venice Loves Me Back (2013) & Andover Loves Me Back (2015)
The story goes on.
Images from the residency include the beautiful contributions of visiting artists and participants on the day.
This included textile and mixed-media artists from Unity Art Studio (Andover) Barbara Touati-Evans and Ellie Drew.
my performance work was beautifully photographed by artist Hannah Cantellow (also CAS associates' coordinator).
Day 1:
Presenting my invitation:
A list of emotions, on cards, stretches across my dressing table.
An invitation to feel the value of the exchange, in the present.
A cloth, a red thread, letters for words yet to be formed, narrating the story of our future connections through making.
An open-table event for artists of all ages.
Press Release Andover Library AIR Residency
Dr Laurence Dube-Rushby
Date: 25.10.24
We are all Stranger-Artists
Inspired by the Venice Contemporary Art Biennale theme 2024 ‘Foreigners Everywhere’, from which she freshly returned, Laurence Dubé-Rushby will be CAS’s resident artist at the Andover Library, the 1st and 2nd of November. Her intervention invites members of the public to encounter, face, and tame strangeness and the uncanny through art.
Laurence Dubé-Rushby is a French artist, based in the UK since 1996. She has twenty-eight years of experience in developing and leading art projects in community settings. Following the completion of her doctorate in creative pedagogy and performance art with AUB (Arts University Bournemouth) and UAL (University Arts London) in June 2024, she is interested in developing work that links environmental ethics, heritage, education, printmaking, textile and performance.
The Theme: We are all Stranger-Artists
We are defined by our cultures and places, and by the experiences we encounter during our journey through life. Artists often navigate at the margins of the world and of their own communities, working with the strange and the unfamiliar, pushing the boundaries and thereby navigating fluid frontiers.
For this residency, Laurence will develop a mixed-media performance that invites families and children to not only encounter strangeness through art but also get involved in mask-making and printmaking activities that will celebrate strangeness.
To echo the Biennale’s theme, this intervention celebrates ‘the self-taught artist, the folk artist, the craft maker, and the 'artista popular', frequently treated as a foreigner in his or her own land’ across history. In her interactive performance installation, Laurence embraces the stranger artist in all of us, letting our stories intertwine to tame the strangeness in ourselves and weave a new, yet familiar, collective tale.
Participants are invited to interact with a film projection created by Laurence during her British Council Research Fellowship residency in Venice (2019), to encounter and inhabit the world presented through artists’ gazes, all connected through water, air, stones and earth.
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